GSVets Philanthropy

How ‘Excellence With Heart’ is put into action.

Our Guiding Principles

GS Vets’ fundamental ethos is ‘Excellence with Heart’. We apply it every day; when looking after pets, in how we work together as a team, and through our interactions with clients.

Our core values guide our business.

GSVets as a business is deeply aligned with our values, one of which is to Care for the world; Take the long term view – we’re all on the only little planet with love and laughter.

Another is Be Generous; have an impact. Do good.

We also say Let’s make it happen; Take responsibility and strive for outcomes.

Planet Giving Program

In addition to our Community engagement projects, we have a formal philanthropy program. GS Vets commits time, experience, energy and substantial monetary donations to the environment through our 1% for our planet program.

Deeply inspired by the work of Yvon Choinard, who modelled Patagonia’s One percent for the Planet program, GS Vets donates 1% of turnover to critical environmental work. Our purpose is to inspire commitment and action so that our planet and future generations thrive.

To this end, GS Vets currently donates substantial time and money to Vets for Climate Action, and has engaged with the Climate Care Program to establish sustainability and carbon neutral or ‘way to carbon neutral’ status. Our Springfield Hospital is the second in Australia to achieve this status.

Over time, the GS Vets team will discuss, as a group, where to direct funding from our ‘1% for our planet’ program, for the long term good of our planet.

The Three P’s

As a business, we take our place in the wider sphere – embracing the ‘triple bottom line’, or ‘the 3 P’s’ of People, Profit and Planet.


We care deeply about people, and are privileged to engage widely across our community. We sponsor and support local sporting and community groups, have a cat adoption program, and a community garden at Springfield. Please visit our GS Vets Community page to see what else we do! 


We carry responsibility for over 60 staff and their families and must ensure our business runs at a profit. We want our business to endure, for mortgages to be paid, to be sure our group remains safe from risk, and in particular, ensuring long-term service to our community and their pets. 


Our planet, and the animals we love and need, are at grave risk. We care deeply and wish to provide ongoing support in the climate and biodiversity crisis.

AEGN Membership

As a philanthropic business, GS Vets is a member of the Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network.

Currently only 3% of Australian philanthropy is directed to environmental work, and this network of generous businesses, entrepreneurs and philanthropists strategically donates some 100’s of millions of dollars every year, making a huge impact.

The Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network (AEGN) membership aligns our business with active participation and representation in environmental and climate philanthropy efforts – and inspires us to do better, greater things.


Groodles Australia was founded and is directed by our practice owner, Dr Jeannet Kessels, and is an integral part of GS Vets. 

Starting as an idea to raise funds for the Timor Children’s Foundation, providing scholarships for promising yet disadvantaged East Timorese students, the foundation was started by Dr Jeannet’s father – Arie van Klinken, who saw education as the best option for rebuilding a traumatised nation.

The East Timor Program is coordinated with minimal administrative costs by the dearly respected Reverend Moises in Dili, and provides scholarships for approximately 300 students per year.

Groodles Australia has expanded with over $600,000 donated to organisations dear to the hearts of the GS Vets team, and our wonderful guardian families.